Retail Associate Stellenangebote in Nordrhein-Westfalen

34 offene Stellen gefunden
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Chief Financial Officer (Private Equity)


Chief Financial Officer NRW, Germany Salary - €250.000-300.000 + equity Start - To be discussed Privatal is currently mandated by a private equity investor with a long track record who is confidentially looking for a new group CFO for one of their portfolio companies in the healthcare sector. The ideal CFO Profile - The candidate must have experience with healthcare, retail, or other...

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vor 4 Tagen
Keine Erfahrung

Gebietsverkaufsleiter - LEH - Köln / Düsseldorf (m/w/x)


Über HOLY - HOLY ist die Soft Drink Revolution: Mit unseren pulverbasierten Drinks HOLY Energy®, HOLY Hydration® und HOLY Iced Tea® erhältst du geilen Geschmack und behältst dabei ein gutes Gewissen - für deinen Körper & die Umwelt. - Schon mehr als 800.000 Kunden: Gestartet im WG-Wohnzimmer haben wir seit April 2021 schon mehr als 30 Millionen Plastikflaschen eingespart - und unsere Community,...

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vor 17 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Dortmund is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden

Senior Specialist Brand Marketing (m/f/x) Tommy Hilfiger


Be part of an iconic story.TOMMY HILFIGER is one of the world’s most recognized global lifestyle brands, confidently welcoming and inspiring consumers since 1985. Originally established in New York City and infused with the vibrant spirit of Americana, to create the modern uniform of accessible luxury. The TOMMY HILFIGER brands consist of TOMMY HILFIGER and TOMMY JEANS, complemented by a range of...

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vor 37 Minuten
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Ahlen is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden

Head of Finance (English speaking)


Chief Financial Officer NRW, Germany Salary - €250.000-300.000 + equity Start - To be discussed Privatal is currently mandated by a private equity investor with a long track record who is confidentially looking for a new group CFO for one of their portfolio companies in the healthcare sector. The ideal CFO Profile The candidate must have experience with healthcare, retail, or other multi-sided...

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vor 47 Minuten
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Altenbeken is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden

Finance Manager (m/w/d) mit Englischkenntnissen


Chief Financial Officer NRW, Germany Salary - €250.000-300.000 + equity Start - To be discussed Privatal is currently mandated by a private equity investor with a long track record who is confidentially looking for a new group CFO for one of their portfolio companies in the healthcare sector. The ideal CFO Profile The candidate must have experience with healthcare, retail, or other multi-sided...

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vor 47 Minuten
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Bonn is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Alsdorf is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Alpen is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Altena is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Alfter is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Ibbenbüren is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Düsseldorf is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Ahaus is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Altenberge is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Bielefeld is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 3 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Essen is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden
Keine Erfahrung Home-Office 100%

AI Trainer for German Writers/Speakers (Freelance, Remote)

Duisburg is a community of subject matter experts from several disciplines who align AI models by creating high-quality data in their field of expertise to build the future of Generative AI. Alignerr is operated by Labelbox. Labelbox is the leading data-centric AI platform for building intelligent applications. Teams looking to capitalize on the latest advances in generative AI and LLMs use...

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vor 2 Stunden

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem Retail Associate Job? Unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein erfahrener Arbeitsuchender sind oder noch nie gesucht haben, fragen Sie sich vielleicht, wo Sie anfangen sollen.

In diesem Gebiet haben sich viele alteingesessene Unternehmen angesiedelt, aber auch einige moderne Firmen aus den Bereichen digitale Medien, Maschinenbau und industrielle Dienstleistungen.

Wenn Leben und Arbeiten etwas ist, das Sie reizt, dann finden Sie im folgenden Artikel einige Tipps, wie Sie in diesem pulsierenden Ballungsraum verfügbare Arbeitsmöglichkeiten finden können. Wir besprechen die verschiedenen Sektoren, die es gibt, die lokalen Arbeitgeber, die jetzt einstellen, und die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten, online nach Stellen zu suchen.

Was tun Retail Associate?

Retail Associate ist für die Bereitstellung einer Reihe von Dienstleistungen für die Bevölkerung zuständig, darunter Bildung, Sozialfürsorge, Wohnungswesen, Planung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Sie arbeitet eng mit lokalen Unternehmen und anderen Organisationen zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Gebiet wohlhabend und für Besucher attraktiv bleibt.

Retail Associate bietet seinen Einwohnern eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen, darunter Beratung bei der Arbeitssuche, Ausbildungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und Hilfe bei der Suche nach einer geeigneten Unterkunft.

Wo finde ich Jobs bei Retail Associate in Nordrhein-Westfalen?

Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, nach Retail Associate Stellen in Nordrhein-Westfalen zu suchen. Die beliebteste Methode ist die Nutzung von Online-Jobbörsen wie Jobsora. Bei uns können Sie Ihre Suche nach Ort und Branche filtern, so dass Sie leicht Stellen finden, die Ihren Fähigkeiten und Ihrer Erfahrung entsprechen.

Sie können auch auf den lokalen Jobbörsen nach Stellen suchen, die alle aktuellen Stellenangebote in der Region auflisten. Außerdem können Sie sich direkt an die örtlichen Arbeitgeber wenden, um sich nach freien Stellen zu erkundigen.

Schließlich gibt es eine Reihe von Personalvermittlungsagenturen, die sich darauf spezialisiert haben, Arbeitskräfte in der Region zu finden. Diese Unternehmen haben oft Zugang zu exklusiven Stellenangeboten, die anderswo nicht ausgeschrieben werden.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten gibt, Retail Associate Jobs zu finden. Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine Festanstellung oder etwas Flexibleres suchen, im Bezirk gibt es viele Möglichkeiten. Mit der richtigen Recherche und Vorbereitung können Sie leicht den perfekten Job für sich finden.

Wie hoch ist das Gehalt von Retail Associate in Nordrhein-Westfalen?

Retail Associate in Nordrhein-Westfalen sind gewählte Vertreter der lokalen Gemeinschaft und erhalten für ihre Arbeit eine jährliche Aufwandsentschädigung. Die Höhe dieser Vergütung wird vom unabhängigen Vergütungsausschuss festgelegt, der die Vergütungen alle vier Jahre überprüft.
